オンラインプラットフォームです デニム業界と消費者の間のギャップを埋める。
Simply Suzetteのディレクター兼創設者であり、Sustainable Denim&Communicationsスペシャリストです。
すべてがギブアンドテイクです。 ジーンズを作った人のことを気にする人権活動家である必要はありません。また、私たちの消費習慣を変える必要があることを知る環境保護活動家である必要もありません。私たちは皆、良心と選択を持っていると信じており、購入する前に考えるように皆さんに影響を与えたいと思っています。世界を守り、そこに住む人々の世話をすることが私の目標です。私の仕事とサービスについて詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。
My name is Macy and I’m known as ‘the girl who wears berets’ (Yes you will absolutely catch me wearing a beret on Zoom calls and Yes, I do have berets in all colours)! 😝
Although I’ve always been amazed by the beauty of humans and the art of fashion, I have never imagined myself being in the Fashion world. A few years ago, I made a big decision to move from Hanoi (Vietnam) to Toronto to pursue higher education in Business. 2 years later, I landed myself in the happiest place in the world - Denmark, where I was introduced to sustainable fashion for the first time. I then found my passion in understanding the mindsets of consumers and finding ways to effectively communicate sustainability to more people. I believe that ‘production comes after demand’.
After returning to Toronto, I joined Fashion Revolution Vietnam, working remotely as their content creator. I was also working as a research assistant at The Fashion Institute of Humber College and got to interview Ani as the case subject for our very first project focusing on local businesses.
I am excited to be a part of the simplyTeam as my main job is translating 'big' sustainability concepts into practical creative content. 💡
私の名前はバージニアです。私はイタリアで生まれ、それ以来ファッションの世界に魅了されてきました。工学の勉強を始めたとき、ダムや橋を建てることになると思っていましたが、その後、ファッション業界とそれに伴う環境破壊や社会的不平等について学び、科学とクリエイティブが主導する世界を組み合わせることにしました。インスティテュート・フォー・マニュファクチャリング(ケンブリッジ大学)で勉強する素晴らしい機会があり、最初に見た工場を決して忘れません。服の生産の裏側は、その悪影響だけでなく、面白すぎて隠しておくことができないので、私たち全員が知っておく価値があると思います。ブランドが教えてくれた質問に答えたいと思います。私はアジアで数年間 、工場と協力し、工場の循環性と包括性の取り組みを改善してきました。そこで私はアニに会いました。私たちの価値観は1日目から調整されたので、ここで私は科学的なレンズでSimplySuzetteの研究面をサポートしています。
Hi there,
My name is Aisling, a designer & art director from Toronto. I have been enamoured by Fashion since a young age when I started thrifting and later on when I entered the modelling industry. While I’m passionate about the unique creativity and ability for self-expression that the sector holds, I began studying Fashion Studies & Graphic Communications at TMU, where I quickly learnt about the environmental and social impacts of Fashion, motivating me to learn all I could about sustainable Fashion. That’s when I met Ani.
Looking to connect with people making a positive impact in the industry, I attended a pop-up event for sustainable fashion brands where Ani was selling Denim. We bonded over a shared interest in envisioning a sustainable fashion future, and now I’m excited to be a part of the team to create meaningful content with impact.
On a six-month exchange in Copenhagen, Denmark, I learnt about sustainable Fashion and saw how sustainability can be implemented in the design. A city of bikers, great design, and Hygge, the culture present in the city taught me to view creation in a more holistic, connected way. We are a product of the environments we consume, and so is our clothing.
I approach all my projects with empathy and aim to use my research and art direction skills to help spread sustainable fashion solutions and promote honest research. I’m excited to be part of the Simply Team to create visual and written content that pushes the traditional boundaries of Fashion to support sustainable innovation and a return to the slow, natural processes that support creation.